On 19th July 2019, Gelephu Thromde handed over 25 number of Mountain Bike (Cycle) to RBP Gelephu. The handing taking ceremony was attended by Dasho SP and his Team, Dasho Thrompon and the staffs of Gelephu Thromde at 10 am at Vehicle parking, Gelephu Thromde office. Dasho Thrompon said that the main reason for issuing mountain bike was to benefit the general public in terms of reducing crime within Thromde Area through strict monitoring and to make patrolling easy. He also added that with the minimum help from Thromde Administration, RBP shall carry out the patrolling with ease and make Gelephu Thromde a more secure place to live in. Dasho SP thanked the Gelephu Thromde Administration for providing such things considering the need for police and importance of RBP. he also mentioned that with the use of such things (Mountain Bike), they shall promise to reduce crime happening in and around the Thromde area and shall provide the best service to the general public.
Fri, 19 July 2019
Gelephu Thromde