Inauguration of GT WAN was held at Gelephu Thromde Office on 29th December,2018 by the Honourable Minister, of MoIC. The program was officially witnessed by the Director General of RSTA MoIC, Dasho Thrompon and Executive Secretary of Gelephu Thromde, Heads from the respective Regional offices, Officials from DITT and the staffs of Gelephu Thromde.
GT-WAN would benefit about 21 regional government offices, 3 schools, 2 Check posts and 1 Royal Guest House with centralized connectivity from the Thromde Internet Backbone as well ICT services support from the Thromde ICT Division.
Gelephu Thromde sincerely applauds all the stakeholders for their cooperation and necessary help rendered for making the program a successful one.
Sat, 29 December 2018
Sat, 29 December 2018
Gelephu Thromde