Notification Period:
20 July 2018
06 August 2018

The Gelephu Thromde is pleased to announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below:

  1. Position Title:National Contract Teacher
  2. Position Level: P5 C
  3. Pay and Allowance: Pegged at S2A level
  4. Type of Service:Consolidated contract
  5. Pay:Nu. 14,830/-
  6. HRA: 2,965/-
  7. Professional Allowance: Nu. 1,485/-

For more Qualification and placement details, visit the link given below.

The interested applicant's full-filling the above mentioned eligibility criteria may apply to HR Services, Gelephu Thromde latest by 6th August 2018 along with the required documents.

For more details, click below:

Vacancy Announcement for the post of National Contract Teachers in Gelephu