The Gelephu Thromde is pleased to re-announce the availability of the following positions for recruitment as detailed below:
1. Handyperson(Male Age 18-50) - 8 nos.
2. Town Cleaner (Male/Female Age 18-50)- 3 nos.
on the daily wage system(Nu. 234 per worked day)
The interested Bhutanese applicants full-filling the above-mentioned eligibility criteria may apply to HR services, Gelephu Thromde latest by 2nd April 2020 along with the following documents:
1. Application with contact details
2. Copy of Bhutanese Citizenship ID Card with validity at the time of application.
3. Security Clearance (online status) with validity at the time of application.
The short-listed candidates shall be called for the selection interview. For clarification, please contact Sr. HR Officer at 16932035 during office hours or visit Thromde website